This entire endeavor started with one man and his philosophy of product over profit. Julian “Pappy” Van Winkle hadn’t always planned to enter the bourbon business, but his impact on the industry continues to be felt four generations later.
As he put it, he “simply tried to be honest and make a good product.” It was that simple to him, and it has stayed that simple for more than 100 years.
The extra aging gives this older whiskey the smooth, mellow flavour that blends well with the barrel proof. The wheat in the recipe is quite obvious as this delightful bourbon passes over your tongue.
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Country of Origin
45.2 – 53.5%
Bottle Size
Reserve 12yr

The 12 years of aging and medium proof of 90.4 gives Van Winkle Special Reserve the perfect combination of age and proof. This sweet, full bodied whiskey has been described by some as “nectar.”
Reserve 15yr

The whiskey in this bottle was produced according to an exclusive family wheated recipe and was specially selected from barrels in the heart of the Pappy warehouses in Kentucky. It’s remained undisturbed for 15 years to age in deep-charred heavy oak.
Reserve 20yr

Pappy Van Winkle’s Family Reserve is aged an unheard of 20 years, and bottled at 90.4 proof, the result is this wonderfully smooth and rich whiskey. No other bourbon today can stand 20 years of aging, but this bourbon does it with style.
Reserve 23yr